DCOR Development

This section describes how to setup a DCOR development system (CKAN + DCOR extensions).

Ubuntu and CKAN

We recommend to setup a virtual machine for development. It also works with docker, but currently not out of the box (see https://github.com/ckan/ckan/issues/5572). Otherwise, the installation instructions are identical to those in the self-hosting section.

DCOR Extensions


This part differs from the installation for production. We want to have the DCOR extensions installed in editable mode.

Let’s first set up our development environment. The dcor_control package comes with a convenient dcor develop command. This command will create the /dcor-repos directory, clone all DCOR-related repositories into it and install each of them in editable mode.


If you have already installed all packages in editable mode from GitHub repositories, a simple dcor update will only update those (regardless of where they are located in the file system).

source /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
pip install dcor_control
dcor develop


Please follow the initialization steps for self-hosting.

Load some test data into the database

You can test the basic functionalities of your DCOR installation by importing these publicly available datasets from figshare:

ckan import-figshare


If you don’t want bots to index you site, add the following line to the server section in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ckan (right before location / { [...]):

location = /robots.txt { return 200 "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n"; }

Important commands


Restart CKAN

supervisorctl reload

Find out what went wrong in case of internal server errors:

supervisorctl status
tail -n500 /var/log/ckan/ckan-uwsgi.stderr.log


If you are using the CKAN or DCOR CLI, activate environment and set CKAN_INI.

source /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
export CKAN_INI=/etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini

User ckan --help and dcor --help to get a list of commands. E.g. to list all jobs, use

ckan jobs list

To reset the CKAN database and search index:

dcor reset